Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hill warns Hamilton to stay cool


Damon Hill says Lewis Hamilton needs to rein in his "impatience" if he is to clinch his first Formula One crown.

McLaren driver Hamilton leads Felipe Massa of Ferrari by five points with two races to go, and the tension seemed to affect both in Sunday's Japanese GP.

Ex-world champion Hill told BBC Radio 5 Live: "Lewis is impatient to win that first title, but you can't force it.

"There's no question about his speed or ability, he just needs to stay cool and let it happen."

Hamilton was anything but cool after Sunday's race, accusing title rival Massa of deliberately running into him on lap two. The Brazilian denied the accusation.

The Briton, who also ran wide from pole going into the first turn, finished 12th, with Massa claiming two points in seventh. Both received penalties from the stewards.

British Racing Drivers' Club president Hill, who clinched the 1996 F1 drivers' title at Suzuka, said: "Sunday's race was a lesson, and Lewis learns very quickly.

"He'll look back and think maybe it would've been better to settle into it more and got his rhythm going.

"It's a mark of Lewis's career - he's always been very keen to get the job done and move on, and you need that impatience, but it can sometimes trip you up if you're not wary."

Hill added that Hamilton needed to develop the kind of detachment that helped take Hill's old rival Michael Schumacher seven F1 titles.

"Even Michael had his moments, but you could rest assured that he would usually bring it home," he said.

"He had a very cool head, an ability to detach himself and not let that impatience get the better of him.

"If Lewis keeps a cool head, then he'll be fine. I think he will get the job done."

Hamilton can win the championship in China on Sunday if he scores six more points than Massa


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